Senin, 07 Januari 2013

Wrap Up What's In A Name 5 & Welcome What's In A Name 6


Suka banget sama challenge dari Beth Fish Readers ini, tema tiap challenge unik-unik. Dan untuk tahun lalu saya berhasil menyelesaikannya, yeay! Berikut listnya:
  1. Summer at Willow Lake (topographical feature)
  2. Fly To The Sky  (something you'd see in the sky)
  3.  Little Bee (a creepy crawly)
  4. Rumah Coklat (a type of house)
  5. Sarah's Key (something you'd carry in your pocket, purse, or backpack)
  6. Tuesdays with Morrie (something you'd find on a calendar)
Nah, untuk tahun ini tantangannya ganti lagi, berikut tata caranya:


Here's How It Works
Between January 1 and December 31, 2013, read one book in each of the following categories:
  1. A book with up or down (or equivalent) in the title: Deep down True, The Girl Below, The Diva Digs up the Dirt
  2. A book with something you'd find in your kitchen in the title: Loose Lips Sink Ships, The Knife of Never Letting Go, Breadcrumbs
  3. A book with a party or celebration in the title: A Feast for Crows, A Wedding in Haiti, Cocktail Hour under the Tree of Forgetfulness
  4. A book with fire (or equivalent) in the title: Burning for Revenge, Fireworks over Toccoa, Catching Fire
  5. A book with an emotion in the title: Baltimore Blues, Say You're Sorry, Dreams of Joy
  6. A book with lost or found (or equivalent) in the title: The Book of Lost Fragrances, The World We Found, A Discovery of Witches
The book titles are just suggestions, you can read whatever book you want to fit the category.

Other Things to Know

  • Books may be any form (audio, print, e-book).
  • Books may overlap other challenges.
  • Books may not overlap categories; you need a different book for each category.
  • Creativity for matching the categories is not only allowed but encouraged.
  • You do not have to make a list of books before hand.
  • You do not have to read through the categories in any particular order.
List bacaanku:
Belum dicari, ehehehe, sambil jalan deh :D

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